얼마전 수업했던 뉴스인데요 조로거미라는 거미의 특이한 생태에 관한 뉴스입니다!자 얼마나 특이한 녀석들인지 한번 가볼까요?아시죠? 1.받아쓰기 먼저하기2.대본 큰소리로 읽기 3.쉐도잉(따라말하기)사실 이게 전부입니다! JORO SPIDERS [대본]A giant spider may be creeping its way to your social media feed and potentially creeping its way to the northeast. The Joro Spider is an evasive species from Asia that's been living in the southeast US for nearly a decade. Now, scientists say they may be head..